Friday, August 11, 2006

Chipotle Blues

Thursday, August 10th

In case anyone is wondering, it's not a great idea to eat a Chipotle burrito (which according to the Chipotle calorie counter mine had 1285 calories) and then try to workout a couple of hours later. My original plan was to do 20 minutes @ 7%, 12:00min/mile pace. I did this workout a few weeks ago, and it was a real challenge to last for 20 minutes. The challenge proved too much for me this time. After 8 minutes, I was getting a pretty bad side cramp. I changed the incline to 0%, and after 2 or 3 minutes I was feeling better. I did another 8 minutes @ 7%, 3 minutes @ 0%, and 4 minutes @ 7%. So I got to 20 minutes - it just wasn't continuous. If there was a bright side to this workout it was that I could feel recover while running @ 0% - I didn't have to slow down.