Monday, July 10, 2006

Back at it

Monday, July 10th

Less than 2 months until race day. In addition to a planned 2-week tapering period, I've also got a 2-week mandatory rest period scheduled. Maybe to my detriment, I've decided to focus exclusively on hills. Today I did more 5 minute intervals - with usually about 1 minute - 2 minutes of flat in between.

5 mins/7%/5mph (154 ft.)
5 mins/8%/5mph (176 ft.)
5 mins/9%/4.5mph (178 ft)
5 mins/10%/4.5mph (198 ft.)
5 mins/11%/4.2mph (203 ft.)
5 mins/12%/3mph (158 ft.)

Total was just over 4 miles, 1067 ft. I obviously didn't run the last section, and although I didn't cover as much distance, I covered more elevation than running at 7%. I doubt my heart rate was higher than 120bpm for this last section, whereas the first section it was probably around 150bpm.