Thursday, July 06, 2006

Trying to catch up

Wednesday, June 5th

We had a big weekend - Mt. Silverheels on Saturday and long hike/run through the flatirons on Monday. I've been busy at work so I haven't had time to write these up - I'll do so soon. I'm also waiting on pictures.

Today I was back on the treadmill.

Did a total of 2 miles @ 7%, 12:00min/mile. Did the first 20 minutes, then walked for two minutes, and finished the other four minutes. This was a pretty tough effort. I felt like I was just over the level at which I was comfortable sustaining a long-term effort. I kept telling myself - "OK - just do 1 mile. OK, 15 minutes. OK - just 5 more minutes". I finally had to rest after 20 minutes, but I felt good because my previous sustained effort running uphill was 20 minutes @ 6%. It's amazing how hard a small increase feels.

After running I did some fast-walking at steeper grades, eventually ending with 4 mins @ 15%. Then I finished off with some flat running at 10:00min/mile pace. All total I did 3.5 miles, 45 minutes, and a little over 1000 vertical feet.