Monday, August 21, 2006

Matthews-Winters revisited

Thursday, August 17th

Jenn and I went to Matthews-Winters. I hadn't been there for almost 3 months - before that I had been there probably every other week. We started at about 6:30, which was nice because it had cooled off a little bit. I was still feeling some of the effects from my run on Tuesday, so I let her set the pace for the first mile. I forgot how hilly it was!! We started up the switchbacks, and I wasn't feeling that great, but I was able to run them all (albeit at a pretty slow pace). We ran on the plateau, and then started down the south side. It's pretty steep and rocky in some spots - and I was going really slow! My calves felt like cinder blocks, and I wasn't sure I'd be able to run the last 2 miles. It was really hard going downhill. Not a stinging pain, and not even a dull pain - I can't really describe it. We made the cutoff in ~34 (1min 30sec slower than last time I did it) and jogged back to the trailhead, finishing in just over 54 minutes. My legs didn't feel that bad afterwards, but overall my body is just tired.