Friday, September 01, 2006

Another 20 minutes

Thursday, August 31st

Went to the rec center today - did 1 mile @ 10:00min/mile pace, then did some walking @ 15% grade, with speeds increasing from 16:12min/mile to 15:00mile. Total workout was 20 minutes, including warmup and cooldown.

I like these short workouts - I left my house at 4:45 and was home by 5:15. I like the strategy of keeping up the intensity, just making the workouts shorter. I still feel like I get a hard workout, but I can tell I have a lot more energy left over afterwards. Next week I'll put a time limit of 10 minutes on these workouts, and my plan is to do my last one on Wednesday.

Now, the weather just needs to cooperate. is predicting showers on Saturday and Sunday for Ouray. Same thing for Telluride.