Monday, August 21, 2006

New York, New York

Monday, August 21st

I'm in New York this week, and I chose a hotel that has a fitness center. This one has a world class view - it's on the 46th floor, and I could see the hudson river to the west, and most of midtown to the east. Unfortunately the treadmills are positioned so your back to the windows. Oh well.

My legs were feeling better today, and the air here is thick. I did a warmup, then 1 hour @ 15% with speeds varying between 15:00min/mile and 18:10min/mile. Mostly the slower speed - but every 10 minutes I would increase to a 16:00min/mile. I wanted to see how my body would feel after an hour of 15%, and it held up pretty well. My upper back got a little stiff - but not bad at all. My hip flexors felt fine, as did my calves. Overall, no problems, and I didn't fell like the effort was that hard.