Monday, August 28, 2006


Monday, August 28th

According to the Imogene Pass website, the race starts in 11 days, 21 hours, and 48 minutes. geez - that's scary. I've pretty much done all the training I can do - I'm not going to get any faster or stronger in the next 11 days. Now it comes down to resting, but not getting stale.

I'm going to go with a 50%/25% two-week tapering strategy. The idea is to maintain the quality of workouts, but reduce the quantity (in this case, quantity == length). In other words, individual workouts should still be as hard as normal, they should just be shorter. The first week they should be 50% of the normal length, and the second week they should be 25% of the normal length.

I'll probably do 3 workouts this week, do Mt. Spaulding from Summit Lake this weekend (about 900 ft. of elevation gain - nearly all above 13,000 ft), and then two workouts next week, with my last one on Wednesday. This should get me to the starting line in good shape.