Thursday, September 07, 2006

Final Workout

Wednesday, September 6th

A real short run today - I ran for about 5 minutes at speeds of between 9:00min/mile and 11:00min/mile. Just a final tuneup for Saturday.

The weather report on Saturday is now a high of 56, with scattered thunderstorms. Could be pretty cool at higher elevations. Assuming it's not pouring rain during the start, here is what I'm planning on taking:

Lightweight rain jacket
Skull cap
Liner Gloves
Fuel Belt with 2 6oz bottles of gatorade
1 Cliff bar
3 Cliff "shots"
extra bandaids
a couple of safety pins
disposable camera

The rain jacket I can tie around my waist, and everything else will fit in my fuel belt. There are 6 aid stations on the course, but they could be as far as an hour apart depending on how fast I'm going, so the food and gatorade is really just backup, I'm not counting on them as my primary source of water/food.

I'll wear running shorts, a long sleeve capilene t-shirt, and wool running socks.

If the weather is bad, I'll probably end up carrying my camelback with an extra layer, some rain pants, and a heavier hat and gloves.